The Best Deals In Banking You Need To Know


The best deals in banking are not always easy to see. It’s not like you can just look at the price of a bank account and know whether or not it’s worth it for you. That’s why I set out to find the best deals in banking and share them with you! The following are some of the best deals in banking;

1) FREE checking

Some banks offer free checking. This means you don’t have to worry about getting charged for having a bank account. The best part is, there are no minimum balance requirements either! Some of the big banks even offer free checking for students and people that don’t qualify for credit cards yet.

2) Highest interest rates

Some banks offer the highest interest rates. This is especially true if you are a student, are part of the Air Force, or have joined a credit union.

3) Free to $50 bonus

Some credit unions and banks offer free cash bonuses when you open an account. You can get up to $50, you just have to meet the requirements.

4) Free ATM debit card

Some banks allow you to get a free ATM debit card when you open an account. All you have to do is pay your monthly fees for at least 6 months, and then the bank will provide you with a free ATM debit card. Fidelity even offers this!

5) First and last month’s fees waived:

Many banks waive the last and first month’s fees of all checking accounts. Some banks even provide you with a free ATM debit card when you open an account. Check to see if your bank offers this!

6) No maintenance fees:

If you don’t maintain a minimum balance in your bank account, some banks will make you pay maintenance fees every time. Fortunately, some banks don’t charge these fees.


The best deals in banking are not the same for everyone. You’ll have to look around and see what kind of deals you can find. If you’re part of the military, or if you’re a student, then there is a bank for you! If you go to a bank with no promo going on, just know that the banker will tell you if they do or don’t have any promotions going on that month.

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