Get To Know About The Best Exercise Treadmill

Exercise treadmill is a great tool to have in your home. It is a perfect machine that can be used to get a complete body workout without having to go out of the house. This treadmill is also effective for overweight people as it helps you lose weight and burn calories.

There are many brands of best exercise treadmills in the market and it’s only up to you which one suits your needs best, but here are some great models with high reviews:

1. Horizon T101

This treadmill is one of the best in its price range. It comes with a big LCD monitor and other features like 10 workout programs, 5 running speeds, and 25 workout programs. It has an accessory that allows you to even use your favorite iPod.

2. NordicTrack T7617

The NordicTrack T7617 is another great model that serves all your requirements. It comes with great features such as 10 pre-set workouts and programs, a 5.4 HP motor, and an iPod docking station.

3. Proform Treadmill

Proform treadmills have been a favorite for decades on account of the quality service they provide. This treadmill is no exception because it comes with shocking features like iFit technology that enables you to receive exercise tips from any part of the world and even share your workout experience on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. It also comes with a 20 workout program, 5-speed settings, and 4 incline settings. Your purchase of this treadmill also includes free access to their online coaching program as well as training programs at home using your personal computer.

4.. Schwinn A40

This treadmill comes with 8 built-in workout programs that allow you to have a customized workout and an iPod docking station. The motor of this model is quite powerful 4.0 HP to be precise and it also comes with a shock-absorbing suspension system as well as lumbar support and heart rate control system.

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